1. haplo.stats::hapPower.demo
    Set of haplotypes and frequencies for power and sample size calculations
  2. haplo.stats::hla.demo
    HLA Loci and Serologic Response to Measles Vaccination
  3. haplo.stats::seqhap.dat
    Simulated data for seqhap examples
  4. haplo.stats::seqhap.pos
    Simulated data for seqhap examples
  5. pedgene::example.geno
    Example datasets for pedgene
  6. pedgene::example.map
    Example datasets for pedgene
  7. pedgene::example.ped
    Example datasets for pedgene
  8. pedgene::example.relation
    Example datasets for pedgene
  9. pleio::geno
    Demonstration dataset for pleiotropy tests with a mixture of trait types and covariates
  10. pleio::geno
    Demonstration dataset for pleiotropy tests with a mixture of trait types and covariates
  11. pleio::x
    Demonstration dataset for pleiotropy tests with a mixture of trait types and covariates
    matrix|500 x 5
  12. pleio::y
    Demonstration dataset for pleiotropy tests with a mixture of trait types and covariates
    matrix|500 x 3
  13. pleio::y
    Demonstration dataset for pleiotropy tests with a mixture of trait types and covariates
    matrix|500 x 6
  14. regmed::med
    Simulated dataset for regmed package
    matrix|100 x 200
  15. regmed::x
    Simulated dataset for regmed package
    matrix|100 x 10
  16. regmed::y
    Simulated dataset for regmed package
    matrix|100 x 2
  17. vcpen::covmat
    Example data for Penalized Variance Component method
    matrix|100 x 2
  18. vcpen::dose
    Example data for Penalized Variance Component method
    matrix|100 x 70
  19. vcpen::doseinfo
    Example data for Penalized Variance Component method
  20. vcpen::response
    Example data for Penalized Variance Component method